Alkaline French Toast Sticks

Alkaline French Toast Sticks with Walnut Praline Drizzle and Date Syrup

The SMELL of these things were out of this world good af while baking. Omg 😯 and it was perfect for this cold morning to warm up my kitchen with the smell of sweet cinnamon & burro banana & spelt baking 👅. These taste just like the frozen French toast sticks I remember tearing down when I was little. They aren’t quite on the level of homemade French toast yet, but these are perfect if you miss those sticks.

Once done pan frying, I drizzled some of my Walnut praline sauce, Walnuts, and date syrup on top.

Rough Recipe for Alkaline French Toast Sticks

  • 1 ripe burro banana
  • 1/3 c of plant milk
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon (or more to taste) of date syrup
  • 1 tsp Ceylon cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp ginger
  • 4 slices of dense spelt bread
  • 1/4 c of sugar

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Blend all ingredients except the spelt bread and sugar in a blender until it forms a smoothie like batter. 

Cut the spelt bread into sticks - similar size as the frozen French toast sticks I grew up on. Let the smoothie batter soak into the bread for a few minutes - 5 minutes should be good, depending on how dense your bread is.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Add the soaked bread in the pan, and sprinkle with sugar and a bit of cinnamon. Bake the sticks for 5 minutes on each side. Heat up a pan, and pan fry each stick in coconut oil until slightly caramelized. 

Drizzle with date syrup and enjoy!